Sunday, January 24, 2016


Happy 2016! As we start off the new year, we decided to do things a little differently. I had been seeing the #oneword hashtag on several social media sites, where people were posting their #oneword for 2016.

What is #oneword, you ask? #Oneword takes New Year's resolutions to a whole new level. Instead of writing the typical New Year's resolutions, or setting goals for the year, the idea encourages people to choose #oneword to drive their goals and aspirations for the year.
Our class began by watching a short video representing the #oneword project.

We then brainstormed words that we wanted to live by. Courage, mercy, bravery, faith. Those were just a few words strewn across the pages of writing journals. After careful thought and selection, students picked #oneword that they would use to drive their goals for 2016. 
Here are just a few of the words we came up with:

Pier 112's #onewords

Pier 112's #onewords

Let's live up to these words in 2016!